Wednesday, August 27, 2008

How Make USB Drives ReadOnly Using VB.Net

Storage devices like flash drives are very easy to acquire as their price keeps on dropping. However along side with it is the disadvantage of having sensitive information getting leaked out and misused quite easily too.

A workaround for this might be to have files password encrypted so that no one can easily view it but it this is not totally fool proof when the file needs to be accessed by more than one person. Chances are there is a bad apple among an organization who knows the password and has the intention of using it for his own gain at the company’s expense.

Therefore what would really be nice to have is to make the file unmovable from the computer. In short disable any copy to any usb storage devices. How? Here is how you do it in Microsoft Windows.

1. Open notepad

2. Type in [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\StorageDevicePolicies]

3. Save as “WriteProtect.reg”

4. Double-click created file

Viola! All removable storage drives should now be write protected.

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